Thai officials have admitted that the recent deportation of 40 Uyghur asylum seekers to China was driven by fears of retaliation from Beijing. Reports indicate that Thailand had received offers from multiple countries to resettle the Uyghurs but ultimately chose to send them back to China. Human rights groups have condemned the move, warning that the deportees could face persecution. The decision has sparked criticism from diplomats and opposition lawmakers, who argue that Thailand prioritized its relationship with China over human rights concerns. The incident highlights China's growing influence over Southeast Asian nations and the risks faced by Uyghur refugees seeking asylum.
@ISIDEWITH5 päivää5D
Thaimaan karkottaminen uiguureista oli tehty estääkseen Kiinan "vastatoimia", sanoo ministeri
Thailand's deportation of 40 Uyghurs to China last week was in the Southeast Asian country's best interest due to the possibility of retaliation from Beijing if the group was sent elsewhere, a Thai minister said on Thursday.
@ISIDEWITH5 päivää5D
Uiguurien karkotus oli seurausta pelosta Kiinan vastatoimista, Thaimaa myöntää
The remarks confirm reports that the government had received offers from several nations to resettle the asylum seekers prior to their deportation.
@ISIDEWITH5 päivää5D
Thaimaa sai tarjouksia uiguurien uudelleensijoittamisesta ennen karkotusta, raportti kertoo
The government chose not to send the asylum seekers to a third country in order to avoid retaliation from Beijing, diplomats and opposition lawmakers say.