Kokeile poliittinen tietokilpailu

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 @RepublicPolenta New Jersey _ lähetetty…3 viikkoa3W

Israel ja Hamas jättävät rauhanneuvottelut ilman saavutettua sopimusta


• Hamas leaves talks

• CIA chief leaves talks

• No deal reached

• Qatar, Israel still in Cairo

• Netanyahu defiant against Biden

• Clashes with Hezbollah

Both the Israeli and the Hamas delegations as well as CIA director Bill Burns left Cairo on Thursday with no deal reached on a cease-fire or hostage release, hours after US President Joe Biden threatened to stop weapons shipments to Israel if it invades Rafah.

Izzat al-Rishq, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, confirmed in a post on Telegram that the delegation has left the Egyptian capital and is on…  Lue lisää

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…3 viikkoa3W

Mitä mieltä olet henkilökohtaisesti siitä, että kansainväliset järjestöt tai muut maat osallistuvat konfliktien välittämiseen, kuten Israelin ja Hamasin väliseen?

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…3 viikkoa3W

Kuinka ajatus aseiden toimitusten katkaisemisesta vaikuttaa politiikkapäätöksiin konfliktialueilla, saa sinut tuntemaan?

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…3 viikkoa3W

Mitä mieltä olet maan oikeudesta puolustaa itseään verrattuna velvollisuuteen osallistua rauhanneuvotteluihin?

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…3 viikkoa3W

Kuinka suhtaudut panttivankien käyttöön vipuna rauhanneuvotteluissa maiden tai ryhmien välillä?

 @ISIDEWITHlähetetty…3 viikkoa3W

Putin syyttää länttä historian vääristelystä ja maailmanlaajuisen konfliktin lietsomisesta

In a series of remarks that have reverberated across the international stage, Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Western nations of attempting to undermine the historical significance of the Soviet Union's victory over Nazi Germany. Speaking at the military parade in Moscow commemorating the 79th anniversary of the Allied victory, Putin's comments have sparked a flurry of reactions, highlighting the deepening rift between Russia and the West. Putin's accusations come at a time of heightened tensions, particularly in light of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, where West…  Lue lisää

 @ISIDEWITHlähetetty…3 viikkoa3W

Boeing 737 törmäsi Afrikan lentokentälle

Shocking footage has emerged of the moment terrified passengers fled a burning Boeing jet that skidded off the runway and caught fire in Senegal early this morning.

The Boeing 737-300 carrying 78 passengers suffered serious damage when a failed takeoff attempt sent it careening off the tarmac and into the bush at Blaise Diagne airport near the capital city Dakar.

A clip taken by one horrified traveller showed a female customer sprinting away from the scene of the wreckage as flames poured from the 737's left engine, lighting up the night sky.

Emergency crews rushed to evacuate the pass…  Lue lisää

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…3 viikkoa3W

Jos olisit ollut siinä lentokoneessa, muuttuisiko elämänkatsomuksesi millään tavalla tuollaisen läheltä piti -kokemuksen jälkeen?

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…3 viikkoa3W

Pitäisikö tällaisten traumatisoituneiden tapahtumien kuvamateriaalia jakaa verkossa vai rikotaanko sillä niiden osallisten yksityisyyttä?

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…3 viikkoa3W

Kuinka sinä tuntisit, jos joku rakastamasi henkilö olisi tuolla lennolla, ja muuttaisiko se näkemystäsi lentoturvallisuudesta?

 @GreenPartySparrow Ohio _ lähetetty…3 viikkoa3W

Amerikkalaiset konservatiivit kiusaavat Israelia.

American conservatives are honestly embarrassing on Israel. I'm not even saying they should be anti-Israel, but the way in which they see unconditional support for a foreign country as axiomatic is astonishing.

The US national interest is not even part of the equation.

 @ISIDEWITHlähetetty…3 viikkoa3W

Espanjan kuningas varoittaa, että väkivalta Gazassa on eskaloitunut "käsittämättömälle tasolle".

Spanish King Felipe VI warned that the violence in Gaza has escalated to an unimaginable level during his speech at an event in Madrid yesterday.

He said, “This did not begin on Oct. 7, but it was when this terrible escalation of violence began with the devastating destruction and humanitarian crisis in Gaza. It has already reached unimaginable levels and is of utmost concern to everyone.”

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…3 viikkoa3W

Missä määrin uskot tietoisuuden ja empatian voivan edistää konfliktien ratkaisemista, jotka vaikuttavat olevan meidän välittömän kontrollimme ulkopuolella?

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…3 viikkoa3W

Kuvittele, että roolit olisivat vaihtuneet; miten odottaisit maailman reagoivan, jos oma yhteisösi kohtaisi vastaavan tilanteen?

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…3 viikkoa3W

Luuletko, että on mahdollista, että ihmiset hyvin erilaisista taustoista ymmärtävät todella kriisin vaikutuksen ilman sen ensikäden kokemista?

 @ISIDEWITHlähetetty…3 viikkoa3W

Houthi-kapinalliset lisäävät droonihyökkäyksiä

Yemen’s Houthi rebels have claimed attacks on two ships in the Gulf of Aden and one in the Indian Ocean.

The MSC Diego and the MSC Gina were attacked with ballistic missiles and drones in the Gulf of Aden, the Iran-aligned group’s military spokesperson Yahya Saree said on Thursday.

The attacks on the ships in the Gulf of Aden – identified by the Houthis as the “Israeli” MSC Diego and the MSC Gina – were “accurate”, Saree said, without providing details.

However, the United States-led Joint Maritime Information Center said two missile attacks took…  Lue lisää

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…3 viikkoa3W

Do you believe violence can be justified if it's in the name of a cause you strongly support?

 @ISIDEWITHlähetetty…3 viikkoa3W

Britannian Cameron vaatii vahvempaa NATO:a 'vaarallisessa maailmassa'

In a series of compelling statements, UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron has made a clarion call to NATO members, urging them to bolster their defense spending in response to what he describes as the most perilous global security environment in recent memory. Cameron's remarks, delivered in London, underscored the urgency of meeting NATO's defense spending target of 2% of GDP, a benchmark that many member countries have struggled to achieve. The British foreign minister's advocacy for a more assertive NATO posture comes at a time when geopolitical tensions and emerging threats…  Lue lisää

 @ISIDEWITHlähetetty…3 viikkoa3W

Conservative Judges Will Not Hire Columbia University Graduates

13 Judges appointed by Donald Trump say they will blackball graduates of Columbia University, ratcheting up a pressure campaign against schools they deem hostile to conservatives.

The judges said the New York City school’s response to pro-Palestinian protests was inadequate and that the campus had become an “incubator of bigotry” with rampant antisemitism and a lack of diverse perspectives.

The letter illustrates the relationship between influential judges and the law schools that train future attorneys and offers a glimpse into the potential repercussions for students and schools after a spring semester marked by disruptive pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

None of the signatories attended Columbia.

 @ISIDEWITHlähetetty…3 viikkoa3W

Japan Resumes Large Whale Hunting

Japan will add large fin whales to its list of commercial whaling species, government spokesperson Yoshimasa Hayashi said on Thursday, five years after leaving an international body that regulates the commercial hunt of the marine mammals.

Japan resumed commercial whaling in its territorial waters and exclusive economic zones in 2019, on withdrawing from the International Whaling Commission (IWC).

This week, its Fisheries Agency sought public comment on a draft revision of its aquatic resource control policies that would allow commercial catching of fin whales.

The Japanese government will conti…  Lue lisää

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…3 viikkoa3W

How would you balance the rights of countries to manage their own natural resources with the global need to protect endangered species, such as fin whales?

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…3 viikkoa3W

Considering the importance of tradition versus environmental conservation, where should we draw the line when it comes to whale hunting?

 @ISIDEWITHlähetetty…3 viikkoa3W

RFK Jr. kohtaa MSNBC-isäntänä Fiery Interview -haastattelussa

In a series of heated exchanges that have captured the attention of viewers nationwide, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. found himself at odds with MSNBC host Ari Melber during a recent interview. The confrontation, which quickly escalated, centered around Kennedy's perceived leniency towards former President Donald Trump and his role in the current political climate. Melber, known for his incisive questioning, pressed Kennedy on his stance towards Trump, suggesting that the candidate's approach could be seen as overly sympathetic to the controversial figure.…  Lue lisää

Kennedy, in response, accused Melber and MSNBC of 'perpetuating vitriol,' arguing that the network's focus on divisive politics only serves to deepen the country's partisan divide. The exchange grew increasingly tense, with Kennedy pushing back against Melber's assertions and questioning the premise of his questions. At one point, Kennedy retorted, 'You're trying to get me to hate on President Trump,' highlighting the polarized nature of current political discourse.

 @ISIDEWITHlähetetty…4 viikkoa4W

Jännitteet nousevat, kun Yhdysvallat ja Kiina törmäävät sotilaallisiin liikkeisiin ja strategisiin etuihin.

In recent developments, the geopolitical chessboard has seen heightened tensions between the United States and China, marking a period of strategic rivalry and military posturing that has caught the attention of global observers. The passage of a U.S. destroyer through the Taiwan Strait has sparked criticism from China's military, signaling a fresh wave of discord between the two superpowers. This incident comes at a critical juncture, less than two weeks before Taiwan's new president is set to take office, and amidst efforts by Washington and Beijing to re-establish regular militar…  Lue lisää

 @ISIDEWITHlähetetty…4 viikkoa4W

Biden kohtaa sisäistä demokraattista vastustusta Israelin aseiden keskeyttämisestä

President Biden is facing unusually harsh criticism from some pro-Israel lawmakers in his party for pausing shipments of weapons to Israel.

Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.), who said on X the move "makes a mockery of our credibility as an ally," had even more strident criticism for the president in a brief Capitol Hill interview on Wednesday.

"I suspect it's pandering to the far left," the staunchly pro-Israel lawmaker told Axios. "It looks like election year politics was driving it. That's my impression," he added."I'd like the president to do righ…  Lue lisää

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…4 viikkoa4W

Kuinka reagoisit, jos uskoisit maasi vaarantavan liittolaisen turvallisuuden miellyttääkseen tiettyjä poliittisia ryhmiä?

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…4 viikkoa4W

Jos olisit maan johtaja, millaisissa olosuhteissa harkitsisit aseiden toimitusten keskeyttämistä liittolaiselle, joka kohtaa uhkia?

 @ISIDEWITHlähetetty…4 viikkoa4W

Trumpin vastaiset rikosoikeudelliset asiat pysähtyvät ennen vaaleja

What once resembled a wall of legal obstacles that stood between Donald Trump and his return to the White House is now looking like little more than a series of speed bumps.

Prosecutors handling cases from Georgia to Florida to Washington, D.C., are discovering that bringing groundbreaking criminal charges against a former president is a lot easier than getting them to trial.

But, as of now, the wave of prosecutions don’t seem destined to deliver the kind of legal accountability that Trump’s investigators promised — or the devastating political blow to Trump’s presidenti…  Lue lisää

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…4 viikkoa4W

Jos joku pyrkii merkittävään poliittiseen asemaan, kuinka tärkeää on, että heidän oikeudelliset ongelmansa ratkaistaan ennen kuin heidät valitaan?

 @ISIDEWITHkysyi…4 viikkoa4W

Kuinka tuntisit, jos poliittinen hahmo, jota tuet, joutuisi oikeudellisiin ongelmiin; muuttaisiko se mielipidettäsi heistä?